ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)

Code Title
All Chapters
P00-P96 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
P00-P04 Newborn affected by maternal factors and by complications of pregnancy, labor, and delivery (P00-P04)
P00 Newborn affected by maternal conditions that may be unrelated to present pregnancy
P00.8 Newborn affected by other maternal conditions
P00.89 Newborn affected by other maternal conditions
Use Additional
code to identify infectious agent, if known
Excludes 2: newborn affected by positive maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization (P00.82)

Applicable to
Newborn affected by conditions classifiable to T80-T88
Newborn affected by maternal genital tract or other localized infections
Newborn affected by maternal systemic lupus erythematosus