ICD-10 CM – Browse (Tabular)

Code Title
All Chapters
Q00-Q99 Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
Q90-Q99 Chromosomal abnormalities, not elsewhere classified (Q90-Q99)
Q95 Balanced rearrangements and structural markers, not elsewhere classified
Robertsonian and balanced reciprocal translocations and insertions

Q95.0 Balanced translocation and insertion in normal individual
Q95.1 Chromosome inversion in normal individual
Q95.2 Balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
Q95.3 Balanced sex/autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
Q95.5 Individual with autosomal fragile site
Q95.8 Other balanced rearrangements and structural markers
Q95.9 Balanced rearrangement and structural marker, unspecified