D72 Radiation Therapy, Lymphatic and Hematologic System, Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Coding Notes

Non-billable / Non-specific, not valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

PCS Table

D Radiation Therapy
Body System
7 Lymphatic and Hematologic System
2 Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Treatment Site Modality Qualifier Isotope Qualifier
0 Bone Marrow
1 Thymus
2 Spleen
3 Lymphatics, Neck
4 Lymphatics, Axillary
5 Lymphatics, Thorax
6 Lymphatics, Abdomen
7 Lymphatics, Pelvis
8 Lymphatics, Inguinal
D Stereotactic Other Photon Radiosurgery
H Stereotactic Particulate Radiosurgery
J Stereotactic Gamma Beam Radiosurgery
Z None
Z None

Sibling Codes