A77.8 Other spotted fevers

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

Applicable To

Rickettsia 364D/R. philipii (Pacific Coast tick fever)
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia africae (African tick bite fever)
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia parkeri

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 CM

MDC / MS-DRG Reference

Back Reference of Diagnostic Codes

Fever (inanition) (of unknown origin) (persistent) (with chills) (with rigor) R50.9
due to Rickettsia
africae (African tick bite fever) A77.8
Rickettsia 364D/R. philipii (Pacific Coast tick fever) A77.8

Sibling Codes

Parent Sibling Codes

View in Tabular

Code Title
A00-B99 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
A75-A79 Rickettsioses (A75-A79)
A77 Spotted fever [tick-borne rickettsioses]
A77.8 Other spotted fevers
Applicable to
Rickettsia 364D/R. philipii (Pacific Coast tick fever)
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia africae (African tick bite fever)
Spotted fever due to Rickettsia parkeri