C13 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx

Coding Notes

Non-billable / Non-specific, not valid for HIPAA-covered transactions


code to identify:
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
history of tobacco dependence (Z87.891)
occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
tobacco dependence (F17.-)
tobacco use (Z72.0)

Tyoe 2 Excludes

malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus (C12)

Child Codes

Sibling Codes

View in Tabular

Code Title
C00-D49 Neoplasms (C00-D49)
C00-C14 Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx (C00-C14)
C13 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
Use Additional
code to identify:
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)
exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81)
history of tobacco dependence (Z87.891)
occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)
tobacco dependence (F17.-)
tobacco use (Z72.0)

Type 2 Excludes
malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus (C12)

C13.0 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region
C13.1 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect
C13.2 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx
C13.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of hypopharynx
C13.9 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified