N61.0 Mastitis without abscess

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

Applicable To

Infective mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)
Mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of breast NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of nipple NOS

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 CM

MDC / MS-DRG Reference

Back Reference of Diagnostic Codes

Cellulitis (diffuse) (phlegmonous) (septic) (suppurative) L03.90
breast (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) N61.0
nipple (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) N61.0
Fistula (cutaneous) L98.8
mammary (gland) N61.0
Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)
Mastitis (acute) (diffuse) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) N61.0

Sibling Codes

Parent Sibling Codes

View in Tabular

Code Title
N00-N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00-N99)
N60-N65 Disorders of breast (N60-N65)
N61 Inflammatory disorders of breast
N61.0 Mastitis without abscess
Applicable to
Infective mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)
Mastitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of breast NOS
Cellulitis (acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute) of nipple NOS