Y07.528 Other therapist or healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

Coding Notes

Billable, valid for HIPAA-covered transactions

Applicable To

Nurse perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Occupational therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Physical therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Speech therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect

GEM Conversion to ICD-9 CM

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Sibling Codes

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Codes with Same Suffix

View in Tabular

Code Title
V00-Y99 External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
X92-Y09 Assault (X92-Y09)
Y07 Perpetrator of assault, maltreatment and neglect
Y07.5 Non-family member, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Y07.52 Healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Y07.528 Other therapist or healthcare provider, perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Applicable to
Nurse perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Occupational therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Physical therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect
Speech therapist perpetrator of maltreatment and neglect